N4LMC – Lookout Mountain Amateur Radio Community

We strive to provide all modes of communication to the HAM community in Chattanooga, TN, NW GA, NE AL and surrounding areas.  There are so many different bands and modes, we concentrate on the repeaters and nodes because that’s the part of the hobby that we love being involved in.  We want to bring the connected analog and digital modes to the areas around us that have not had access in the past.  Our vision is to enhance amateur radio by positioning a variety of equipment throughout the area.  We work with local enthusiasts discussing theories, communication models, types of equipment, gadgetry, and more.

Are we a club?  That depends on how you see things.  We are a club by ARRL / FCC definition.  We do meet the minimum requirements and the N4LMC, W4RRG and KO4GVX call signs are “club calls”.  Beyond that, no we are not.  We do not have members (paid or otherwise), we are a group of people who care about growing Amateur Radio, especially the digital modes as well as helping our community by utilizing our hobby!

Our website offers a wide variety of information.  New information and resources are being updated and/or added all the time.  Take a look at the Main Menu and just drill down through all of the choices to check out what we have to offer.

We offer a wide variety of repeaters, nodes, links, reflectors, bridges, etc, that encompass Analog as well as Digital modes.  Our repeaters run under several call signs.  N4LMC, W4RRG and KO4GVX, all belong to the Lookout Mountain Amateur Radio Community.

LMARC and SouthEast Link

Important Announcements


SouthEast Link / LMARC DMR TalkGroup 43389 Change!

2024/07/21 – We had to make a change to support moving forward with new equipment and software!  This means that you have to make a change in your code plugs where SouthEast Link TalkGroup 43389 and any N4LMC or W4PL DMR repeaters are concerned!

Change ANY reference that you have where TalkGroup 43389 is concerned to TimeSlot (TS) 1.  TS2 will no longer carry TG 43389.

Please make this change immediately to keep your access to TG43389 working!

Hurricane Milton Update

2024/10/09 – We will be carrying the VOIPWX hurricane net on Allstar node 46292 as well as the Echolink Conference Server *SELINK2* (287616) beginning at 10AM eastern time Thursday October 09, 2024 through Friday when they close the net.

Stay Safe everyone!

Want to get your license or upgrade

At LMARC we want you to get licensed and / or upgraded and will do whatever it takes to help you out!

We have so many ways to get that accomplished, click here to see them all!  If for some reason you can’t use any of these methods, drop us a line letting us know why and how we can possibly help, we will do what we can to make it happen!

Oh, and did we mention that if cost is an issue, both the Tri-States ARC and the Scenic City HAMs tests are no charge! (FCC license fee may still apply if you are 18 years old or older).

Home of the SouthEast Link!

Join in on QSO’s, nets and special events using our Wires-X room, YSF reflector, FCS reflector and repeaters for C4FM/Fusion…  Xreflectors, DPlus reflector and repeaters for D-Star…  The TGIF Network, QRM Network, AmComm Network and more coming!  Repeaters for DMR, Allstar and Echolink nodes.  All of these are bridged together, so talk to your buddies no matter what popular digital mode is used!

If you have a popular digital radio and / or hotspot, we have a way for you to join in!  See below for more information, or feel free to contact us if you need more information.

  • Allstar LMARC Node # 510131 – SouthEast Link Bridge System
  • Amateur Wire – Extension 90011
  • Broadcastify / Radio Reference (listen only) Click here
  • C4FM – FCS Reflector – FCS002 Room 89 SouthEast Link
  • C4FM – FCS Reflector – FCS003 Room 89 SouthEast Link
  • C4FM – YSF Reflector – “US SOUTHEASTLINK”, Room #43389
  • D-Star – N4LMC-C 145.160 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA
  • D-Star – W4RRG-B 444.725 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN
  • D-Star – Universal Reflector – URF923-D, XRF923-D
  • D-Star – XReflector – XRF913-D, XLX913-D, DCS913-D
  • DMR – N4LMC 444.7125 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA – TS2, TG 43389
  • DMR – W4PL 444.150 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN – TS2, TG 314722
  • DMR – Brandmeister Network, Talkgroup SouthEast Link #314722
  • DMR – AmComm Global DMR Network, Talkgroup 43389
  • DMR – QRM Network, Talkgroup SouthEast Link #43389
  • DMR – TGIF Network, TalkGroup SOUTHEAST-LINK #43389
  • Echolink – Node N4LMC-L Node # 94680 – SouthEast Link Bridge System
  • HamsOverIP – Extension 15012
  • Hamshack Hotline – Extension 94004
  • M17 – M17 Reflector M17-SEL D
  • NXDN – NXDN Reflector 43389
  • P25 – P25 Reflector 43389
  • Wires-X – N4LMC 442.650 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA
  • Wires-X – N4LMC 442.725 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN
  • Wires-X Room – Room # 43389

Other repeaters and/or rooms, reflectors, talk groups can be linked in.  If you have a repeater system, room, reflector, and / or talk group that links in, let us know and we will mention it on our weekly net!

See LMARC’s Net page for information on all the nets that our systems carry that you can join in on.  Join in on these nets, they won’t exist without participation and interest.  Many of these nets are also looking for Net Control persons and Alternate Net Control persons!

Also, one question we hear often is “why is N4LMC showing on my display and who is that”?  There are two reasons that the N4LMC call sign will show on your digital display rather then the person in the QSO.  N4LMC and KO4GVX are call signs that are assigned to LMARC.

  • They will show when the party in QSO is registered on one mode, but not the other (this is why we always say register for all even if you don’t use them).  So as an example, you are on YSF, you are in a QSO with someone who is on DMR, you do not have a DMR/CCS7 ID, since we must supply a call sign the N4LMC call shows up when you key up.  Want to change that, register for all digital modes, it’s free and easy!
  • The other reason you might see N4LMC or KO4GVX is that the other QSO party is coming in via a mode that does not support sending call sign data.  That could be a mode like Allstar, Echolink, HAMs Over IP, Hamshack Hotline, etc.

LMARC / SouthEast Link, Repeaters and Nodes

  • 144.390 – KO4GVX-3 APRS Tx/Rx iGate and Digipeater. Coverage for Mowbray Mtn, TN area.
  • 144.390 – N4LMC-3 APRS Tx/Rx iGate and Digipeater.  Coverage for Chattanooga Metro area, NW GA & NE AL.
  • 53.230 – N4LMC Allstar Node 510137 Requires a 146.2 tone located on Lookout Mtn, linked to the N4LMC 220 systems.
  • 144.920 – N4LMC Allstar Node 46145, + 2.5mhz offset & requires a DCS Code of 073.  Can be linked to multiple other systems.
  • 145.160 – N4LMC D-Star C Module, IRCDDB System linked to XRF913D, can be linked to other systems.
  • 145.710 – N4LMC-10 RMS Gateway.  Coverage for Mowbray Mtn, TN area (limited coverage).  Supports TN ARES when needed.
  • 145.750 – W4EDP-10 RMS Gateway.  Coverage for Chattanooga Metro area, NW GA & NE AL.  Supports GA ARES when needed.
  • 145.750 – W4EDP-15 RMS Digipeater.  Coverage for Chattanooga Metro area, NW GA & NE AL.  Supports GA ARES when needed.
  • 146.640 – N4LMC, Analog and requires a 146.2 tone.  Linked full time to the W4GTA 145.350.
  • 224.120 – N4LMC Allstar Node 510138, Requires a 146.2 tone located on White Oak Mtn, linked to the N4LMC 220 systems.
  • 224.560 – N4LMC Allstar Node 46530, Requires a 146.2 tone located on Lookout Mtn, linked to the N4LMC 220 systems.
  • 224.920 – N4LMC Allstar Node 460771, Requires a 146.2 tone located on Signal Mtn, linked to the N4LMC 220 systems.
  • 441.875 – N4LMC Yaesu Fusion, Analog / Digital and requires a DCS Code of 073 on encode only.  South Pittsburg Mtn.
  • 442.650 – N4LMC Fusion Wires-X, linked to SouthEast Link.  Goes Analog to air the ARRL and ARN News.
  • 442.725 – N4LMC Fusion Wires-X, linked to SouthEast Link, full time Digital.
  • 443.525 – N4LMC Allstar Node Node 510132, Requires a 146.2 tone. Located on White Oak Mountain with wide coverage.
  • 444.150 – W4PL DMR, Brandmeister network, US TG 3100 on TS1, SouthEast Link TG 317422 on TS2.  Code Plugs available.
  • 444.7125 – N4LMC DMR, TGIF network, TGIF TG 31665 TS1, SouthEast Link TG 43889 TS2.  Code Plugs available.
  • 444.725 – W4RRG D-Star B Module, IRCDDB System linked to XRF913D
  • Echolink KO4GVX-L Node 780688, Linked to the N4BZJ 147.135 repeater in Dalton, GA.
  • Echolink KO4GVX-R Node 780689, Linked to the N4LMC 146.640 repeater on Signal Mountain, TN.
  • Echolink N4LMC-L Node 94680, Linked to the SouthEast Link Analog <> Digital Bridge System.
  • Echolink N4LMC-R Node 94681, Linked to the N4LMC 144.920 repeater on Signal Mountain.
  • Echolink N9ZEN-L Node 82737, Linked to the N4LMC 224.560 repeater on Lookout Mountain.
  • Echolink N9ZEN-R Node 68581, Linked to the W4ABZ 146.715 repeater on White Oak Mountain.
  • Echolink W4EDP-L Node 6858, Linked to the N4LMC Agile Node..
  • Echolink W4EDP-R Node 9058, Linked to the W4GTA 145.350 repeater on Lookout Mountain.
  • Echolink *SELINK* Conference Server, Open for non radio based QSO’s. Use this node for ALL 145.350 nets and the Sunday Night Net!
  • Amateur Communications DMR Network TG 43389 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • Amateur Wire Extension 90011 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • Brandmeister DMR TG 314722 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • DMR+ DMR TG 323 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • FCS Reflector FCS002-89 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • FCS Reflector FCS003-89 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • HAMs Over IP Extension 15012 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • Hamshack Hotline Extension 94004 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • M17 Reflector M17-SEL – Module D Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • NXDN TG 43389 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • P25 TG 43389 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • QRM DMR TG 43389 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • TGIF DMR TG 43389 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • URF923 / XRF923 – Module D Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • Wires-X SOUTHEAST-LINK Room 43389 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.
  • XLX913 / XRF913 – Module D Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms. (primary)
  • XRF423 – Module D Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms
  • YCS Reflector – YCS310, Room #36 Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms
  • YSF Reflector US SOUTHEAST-LINK – Room 43389 – Bridged to SouthEast Link systems reflectors, talk groups and rooms.

Repeaters / Nodes that we assist in maintaining

  • 145.350 – W4GTA Yaesu Fusion, Analog / Digital and requires a 100.0 tone.  Provided by the Tri-States ARC, maintained by LMARC.
  • 146.715 – W4ABZ Analog and requires a 67.0 tone.  Provided by W4BAB.  Allstar, Echolink and linking system maintained by LMARC.
  • 147.135 – N4BZJ Analog and requires a 141.3 tone.  Provided by N4BZJ.  Allstar, Echolink and linking system maintained by LMARC.
  • 224.680 – N4BZJ Analog and requires a 141.3 tone.  Provided by N4BZJ.  Allstar, Echolink and linking system maintained by LMARC.
  • 444.700 – KB4ACS Yaesu Fusion, Analog / Digital and requires a 100.0 tone.  Repeater owned/maintained by LMARC.
  • Echolink – K4VCM-R Node 79190, Linked to the 146.790 K4VCM repeater.  Provided by K4VCM, maintained by LMARC.
  • Echolink – KM4MPF-R Node 946756, Linked to the 444.700 KB4ACS repeater.  Provided by KM4MPF, maintained by LMARC.

TAG Multi-Mode Digital Net


TAG, which stands for TN, AL GA, is held each Wednesday night at 7:30 PM Eastern.  This is a digital only net and is off to a great start!

Join the conversation on the TAG Multi-Mode Digital Net via SouthEast Link by using any of the D-Star, DMR, C4FM / Fusion / Wires-X, Allstar or Echolink nodes and / or repeaters listed above.




Monday nights at 8 PM Eastern on the W4GTA 145.350 repeater as well as other methods, see below.

Net control will usually be Terri, N9ZEN. This net provides a forum for Licensed Female Hams of all ages and ham experience to meet on the air for fellowship, to discuss common interests, to discuss technical topics, to learn how to prepare for emergency events and communications, and more!  Be sure to check out our website located at tagylnet.org.

Chattanooga Sunday Night Net


Be sure to check out the new page for the Chattanooga Sunday Night Net!

We will update the page with more information and new features as those are available, so check back often!  Join the Net, just listen in if that’s what you need to do, and we hope you’ll join in on the fun soon!

A brief note: The key to success on the air is described by one word: Courtesy.  There’s no other way to explain how hundreds of thousands of Amateur Radio Operators can share the same radio frequencies all over the world with minimum interference and conflict.    If you keep courtesy at the front of your mind you’ll rarely have difficulty on the air.  An attentive and courteous operator is welcome on our systems, “It’s not the class of license the amateur holds, it’s the class of the amateur who holds the license”!

With that said, we really want YOU to have fun and enjoy this hobby!