I hesitate to do this, but I will give it a try.  These are Coverage Maps for our systems as well as systems that we do not own but help maintain and are here for reference onlyDo not contact me because your coverage varies.

There are so many factors that can affect coverage.  Some, but not all by a long shot are: how sensitive your radios receiver is, how broad your radios front end is, how good is your antenna and how well is it matched to your radio, terrain where you & your radio are right now, Mother Nature (leaves hold moisture, high moisture content means less RF), and many more factors.  Sometimes you can literally move an inch and it makes the difference between being able to use a frequency and not being able to.

You will see two maps per system.  The 1st map is a “close up” of the coverage area, the 2nd map is a “birds eye” view of the coverage area.



System FrequencySystem TypeSystem LocationClose Up View MapBirds Eye View Map
144.390N4LMC-3 - APRS Tx/Rx iGate + DigipeaterLookout Mtn, South EndClose UpBirds Eye
144.920N4LMC - Allstar Node 46145Signal Mtn / North EndClose UpBirds Eye
145.160N4LMC-C - D-Star (ircddb)Signal Mtn / North EndClose UpBirds Eye
145.350W4GTA - Fusion RepeaterLookout Mtn, South EndClose UpBirds Eye
145.750W4EDP-10 - RMS Mail Gateway / DigipeaterLookout Mtn, North EndClose UpBirds Eye
146.640N4LMC - Linked to 145.350Signal Mtn / North EndClose UpBirds Eye
224.560 N4LMC - Analog SystemLookout Mtn, South EndClose UpBirds Eye
442.650N4LMC - Wires-X FusionLookout Mtn, South EndClose UpBirds Eye
442.725N4LMC - Wires-X FusionSignal Mtn / North EndClose UpBirds Eye
443.525N4LMC - Linked to 145.350Villanow, GA / Local CoverageClose UpBirds Eye
444.150W4PL - DMRSignal Mtn / North EndClose UpBirds Eye
444.7125N4LMC - DMR AmCommLookout Mtn, North EndClose UpBirds Eye
444.725W4RRG-B - D-Star (ircddb)Signal Mtn / North EndClose UpBirds Eye
System FrequencySystem LocationClose Up View MapBirds Eye View Map
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries