D-Star IRCDDB systems that we provide for our local HAMs.

  • N4LMC-C  145.160, atop Lookout Mountain – IRCddb Dxtra, X Reflector & DCS Reflectors
  • W4RRG-B  444.725, atop Signal Mountain – IRCddb Dxtra, X Reflector & DCS Reflectors
  • URF923-D / XRF923-D
  • XLX913-D / XRF913-D / DCS913-D

The N4LMC and W4RRG IRCddb D-Star systems atop Signal Mountain (B module) and Lookout Mountain (C module) covers Chattanooga and surrounding areas in all directions.

Both systems B and C modules are linked as follows:

  • N4LMC-C – Linked to XRF913-D full time
  • W4RRG-B – Linked to XRF913-D full time

The N4LMC-C and W4RRG-B  system are “homed” to the SouthEast Link Bridge System (XRF913D).  Feel free to change to any room of your liking.  As with any repeater system, be polite and make sure no one is using the current room… then enjoy!  Please be just as polite when you leave and return the system to it’s “home” when you’re finished.

These systems can be bridged into Wires-X, YSF, FCS, SRF, D-Star, NXDN, Echolink, Allstar or others via SouthEast Link.

The ircDDB-Network is an amateur radio network for exchanging routing information.


  • The ircDDB-Network is an intermediate step to a real open D-Star network without having the problem of a loss of connectivity. It combines the need for a stable network (US-Trust-Network) and other developments which can move D-Star forward. It should be accepted as an Add-On-application on all existing networks.
  • The ircDDB-Network provides a robust interface, which can’t break the network, even if developers make something wrong. It should encourage more people to give D-Star development on the network side a try.
  • We want to get a high penetration allowing self-made D-Star gateways to communicate with many systems.
  • The ircDDB-Network is designed as a distributed network allowing it to run several servers in different countries. We want to find reliable partners to setup more servers around the globe.
  • We want to get a worldwide D-Star network with at least a functional call sign routing with a roaming time below five seconds.


  • Supports all current call sign routing enabled D-Star Networks
  • Provides the call sign routing feature to developers (might be useful for D-Star-Hotspots or DV-Dongle-Users)
  • Allows to attach gateways without US-Trust connectivity making the ircDDB-Network their default
  • Realtime roaming: Available for users between gateways and different modules
  • Dynamic IP support: Realtime update of gateways IP-address on DSL reconnect
  • Access control: Password protected logins for the gateway clients
  • Load balancing: Supports thousands of gateways/users (using multiple network servers)
  • Scalability: The network uses proven technology on distributed servers.
  • Visualisation: Provides MH-data to Visualisation Servers
  • Visualisation: Provide URCALL, RPT1, RPT2, MYCALL fields to Visualisation Servers

D-Star D-Plus systems that are provided for our local HAMs.

The W4PL D-Plus / Icom D-Star system atop Signal Mountain covers Chattanooga and surrounding areas in all directions.

  • W4PL-AV – 1291.000, Icom D-Plus
  • W4PL-AD – 1251.00. Icom Data
  • W4PL-B – 443.150, Icom D-Plus
  • W4PL-C – 145.290, Icom D-Plus

Both systems B and C modules are linked as follows:

  • W4PL-B – Linked to REF030C full time
  • W4PL-C – Not Linked

Feel free to change to any reflector of your liking.  As with any repeater system, be polite and make sure no one is using the current reflector… then enjoy!  Just please be as polite when you leave and return the system to the way you found it when you’re finished.


Dashboard / Status Pages for D-Star Systems