The 1.25-meter amateur radio band is a portion of the VHF radio spectrum, comprising frequencies stretching from 222 MHz to 225 MHz. Other names for this ham band include the 220 band and the 222 band. The FCC took away from ham operators frequencies from 220 MHz to 222 MHz in 1988. There remains a secondary allocation for amateur use at 219-220 MHz, however, FM voice is not permitted within this secondary allocation.
In 2001 the FCC allocated the 216-220 MHz band to the fixed and mobile services (co-primary), although some government systems in the band will remain. The decision was made that limited secondary allocation to the Amateur Service at 219-220 MHz is being maintained. The amateur allocation at 219-220 MHz is secondary to the Automated Maritime Telecommunications System (AMTS). Within the 1 MHz of spectrum, Amateurs may install and operate point-to-point digital message-forwarding systems, but only under strict limitations that require coordination with and sometimes approval by AMTS licensees. As the FCC takes more spectrum away from other users, including hams, and auctions it off for private business use, the ARRL and ham operators will continue to lose ground unless a change occurs in the current political climate.
One of the challenges for ham operators is the lack of 1.25-meter radio equipment available on the commercial market. As HAMs, we have already lost roughly 1/2 of the original 1.25m band to commercial interests primarily because of lack of use. LMARC, as well as other local and regional 220 system owner / operators are working hard to bring life to the 220 band. It takes, time, effort and money to make this happen and it will all be for nothing if we, as HAMs, do not use this band. It’s a great band with tons of potential, it has the propagation characteristics of 2m with alot of the great things you hear (or rather don’t hear) on 70cm… the best of of 2 worlds combined into 1!
Help us out, make use of what we have put up, help spread the word and make noise with the manufacturers to include 1.25m transmit (since many current radios already include 1.25m receive capability) in their current radios!
LMARC Owned and Operated 220 Repeaters
- N4LMC 224.120 (146.2 ctcss enc/dec) – Located on White Oak Mtn in Ringgold, GA.
- N4LMC 224.360 (146.2 ctcss enc/dec) – Located in Flat Rock, AL.
- N4LMC 224.560 (146.2 ctcss enc/dec) – Located on the south end of Lookout Mountain in GA.
- N4LMC 224.920 (146.2 ctcss enc/dec) – Located on the north end of Signal Mountain in TN.
Linking information
- N4LMC 224.120 – Linked full time to the N4LMC 224.360, 224.560 224.920 and 53.230 systems except for listed nets below.
- N4LMC 224.360 – Linked full time to the N4LMC 224.120, 224.560 224.920 and 53.230 systems except for listed nets below.
- N4LMC 224.560 – Linked full time to the N4LMC 224.120, 224.360, 224.920 and 53.230 systems except for listed nets below.
- N4LMC 224.920 – Linked full time to the N4LMC 224.120, 224.360, 224.560 and 53.230 systems except for listed nets below.
Other 220 Repeater Systems in our area
- K4VCM 224.420 (no tone required) – Located on the Signal Mountain, TN, serving the southern middle TN, NW GA areas, not linked.
- N4BZJ 224.460 (141.3 ctcss enc) – Located on Fort Mountain in Dalton, GA, serving Dalton, GA and surrounding areas, not linked.
- N4BZJ 224.680 (141.3 ctcss enc) – Located on Fort Mountain in Dalton, GA, serving Dalton, GA and surrounding areas, not linked.
* = LMARC owns and maintains the linking system.
Nets carried on the 220 systems
- Daily, 7 days a week – The Alaska Morning Net, 1pm eastern time.
- Sunday – The ARRL Weekly News, 730pm eastern time.
- Sunday – The Sunday Night Net, 8pm eastern time.
- Monday – The TSARC Club Net, 7pm eastern time.
- Monday – The TAG YL Net, 8pm eastern time.
- Tuesday – The Absolute Tech Net, 7pm eastern time.
- Thursday – TAG Area 220 Net, 8pm eastern time.
- Thursday – The RV Radio Network Net, 9pm eastern time.
- Friday – The Amateur Radio Newsline, 730pm eastern time.
- Friday – The Dixie Traders Net – 8pm eastern time.
- Saturday – No nets carried currently.
ARRL 1.25m Band Plan
- 219.000 – 220.000: Secondary Use fixed digital station
- 222.000 – 222.150: Weak-signal modes
- 222.000 – 222.025: EME
- 222.050 – 222.060: Propagation beacons
- 222.100: SSB & CW calling frequency
- 222.100 – 222.150: Weak-signal CW & SSB
- 222.150 – 222.250: Local coordinator’s option; weak signal, ACSB, repeater inputs, control
- 222.250 – 223.380: FM repeater inputs only
- 223.400 – 223.520: FM simplex
- 223.500 – National 1.25m Calling Frequency
- 223.520 – 223.640: Digital, packet
- 223.640 – 223.700: Links, control
- 223.710 – 223.850: Local coordinator’s option; FM simplex, packet, repeater outputs
- 223.850 – 224.980: Repeater outputs only