DMR systems we provide for our local HAMs.
- N4LMC 444.7125, Coverage for the Chattanooga area – AmComm Network
- W4PL 444.150, Coverage for the Chattanooga area – AmComm / BM Network (see notes below)
- SOUTHEAST LINK – AmComm network 43389, QRM Network 43389, TGIF SOUTHEAST-LINK – TG # 43389, YSF US SOUTHEASTLINK, Wires-X SOUTHEAST-LINK Room 43389, FCS002-89 & FCS003-89, XRF423-A & D-Star XLX/XRF/DCS913-D are all bridged together.
The N4LMC 444.7125 carries the LMARC Southeast Link talk group 43389 on time slot 1 and the QuadNet talk group 320 on time slot 2.
The W4PL 444.150 switches between the BM network and AmComm networks. Please NOTE: BM will be dropped in the future and AmComm will be full time. The schedule is as follows:
BM TS1 TG 3100 static, TS 2 reserved for local TGs 2 and 9 local as well as dynamic / PTT TGs, except as follows:
- Sunday – 1900 – 2300 -> AmComm TS1 TG 43389, TS2 TG 320 are static
- Wednesday – 1900 – 2200 -> AmComm TS1 TG 43389, TS2 TG 320 are static
- Friday – 1900 – 2000 -> AmComm TS1 TG 43389, TS2 TG 320 are static
Feel free to link up any TG of your liking to TS 2 only (if you unlink TS1, you could be banned). As with any repeater system, be polite and make sure no one is using the TG first… then enjoy! The system will automatically unlink all PTT / Dynamic TG’s and return to it’s static TG’s after 10 minutes of RF inactivity.
DMR-MARC has stopped registration for Users and Repeaters. To register and obtain a CCS7 ID, go to or
As with any repeater system, be polite and make sure no one is using the current room… then enjoy! Please be just as polite when you leave the system the way you found it.
These systems can be bridged into Wires-X, YSF, FCS, SRF, D-Star, NXDN, Echolink, Allstar or others via SouthEast Link.
DMR Network Information
Use the following to help you setup your radios and / or hotspots
- AmComm Network – TS: 1 TG: 43389, Color Code: 1
- QRM Network – TS: 1 TG: 43389, Color Code: 1
- TGIF Network – TS: 1, TG: 43389, Color Code: 1
Code Plugs for our DMR systems
You can download a Code Plug for both the N4LMC systems above from the following:
- Anytone 878 from here (20200403-0721)
- Connect Systems CS800 from here. (20181008-1755)
- Open GD-77 radios from here. (20250111-1043)
- Radioddity GD-77 (single band) from here. (20180113-2159)
- TYT/Tytera 380 & 390’s and the Retevis RT3 series from here. (20181007-0856)
You are free to take these Code Plugs and modify / use them however you wish. We do not provide support for these nor do we provide Code Plugs for other radios. If you create a Code Plug for another make/model of radio, please share your work with others as we have shared ours, “pay it forward”! Send us a copy and we will put it up for download with credit to you.
Link to a Talkgroup
AmComm, QRM and TGIF all allow linking to any talkgroup simply by setting that talkgroup number as the “TX Contact” for a channel. This is done by programing a channel for the repeater you want to use with the “TX Contact” set to the desired talkgroup number. You can then use the channel as you would any other channel for that repeater.
- Add talkgroup to the Contact List (if not already there)
- Program channel with TX Contact set to talkgroup number
- Use channel for QSO
This is the preferred way to link to a talkgroup you use regularly, as this programs it as a channel in your codeplug.
- Use “REF LINK” channel TG 9, TS 2)
- Enter reflector number from keypad as a “Private Call”
- PTT to link
- Enter “4000” from keypad as a “Private Call” to unlink
- Enter “5000” from keypad as a “Private Call” for status .
Dashboard / Status Pages for DMR Systems
- Please see the new Dashboard page!